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Liberty State Park Ferry Service

The Ellis Island Ferry At Liberty State Park

Ferry service from Liberty State Park to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty is available throughout the year. For rate information, boat schedules and other information, please call (201) 435-9499 or (212) 269-5755. A pay parking lot is provided at the ferry boat docking facility for the convenience of ferry service passengers.

The ferry sails every day, weather permitting, except for Christmas day. The service begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m.

The fee is $7 for adults, $3 for children, $6 for seniors over the age of sixty-two, and $6 per adult in groups of twenty-five or more.

The ferry goes to both the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. There is no admission fee to either monument.

Parking at Liberty State Park is $5 per car.

Access to the crown will be for the Summer. If you want to climb to the crown, you must take the 8:30 a.m. ferry.

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